Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

January 1, 2010
We attended mass tonight (vigil mass) as tomorrow, for us, is a holy day; Mary, Mother of God. I always remember years past being at mass on New Year's Eve at close to midnight. During the mass the New Year would arrive. It seemed like such a wonderful way to welcome in the New Year with the first meal of the year being shared with our Lord. One year in particular always comes to mind. A priest friend had been assigned to our parish the year he was ordained. That New Year's Eve he held midnight mass, a small gathering, about 50 people were there. The church candles were lit and the only other lights were from the strings of little white lights woven through the garland that was strung along the sides of the church and the Christmas trees on the altar and at the creche. And there, among the quiet peace, in the soft light, with Jesus we passed into the New Year. He walked among us and you knew it. That evening was one of the most profound moments of my life.

May your new year be abundantly blessed. I wish you all the quiet joy of His presence and love today and always.

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